
  • Two years ago i set myself the challenge of completing an Ironman. I only went and did it.

    When I singed up to attempt IM Tallin I didn’t have a bike, couldn’t swim more than 200 meter front crawl and my longest run was a half marathon. Due to unfortunate circumstances I was forced to transfer my entry to IM Italy Emilia-Romagna, what a fantastic event it was, Tri and Ultra Coaching not only got me to the start line but gave me the confidence I needed to head off into the unknown. If ever i’m feeling down I think back to those 4 magic words as I crossed the line.

    Looking forward to seeing where 2024 leads.

  • 2023 what a year. With a medal as big as my head, it was worth doing 12 in 12 Ultras

    I set out with a goal for 2023 and that goal just kept increasing in size. Along with numerous marathons, never once did I expect it to end with 12 Ultra Marathons in 12 months. Although my sanity was challenged at times, me coach supported my through all the extra events I kept adding to my race schedule and continually updated the training plan.

    This year I’m starting with a much simpler 10 marathons in 10 days.

    Good luck Tri and Ultra Coaching, see you at the finish line.

  • Finally made the podium and a World Championship qualification to go with it.

    It took a few races, but i finally landed myself one of these bad boys. It might be the bottom step of the podium for now but onwards and upwards.

    I’ve always had fantastic advice from my coach whether that be training, race pace or race nutrition plan.

    Along with the grate advice provided by Tri and Ultra Coaching It’s the enthusiasm I enjoy and the excitement they show at your results.